Wednesday, July 29, 2009

be the BSD

BSD... what is it? what is BSD attitude. BSD is being the BIG SWINGING DICK. whenever you walk into a room you have to have BSD attitude. you gotta think I got the biggest dick in the room and i'm not afraid to smack you with it.

why walk around with an iddy biddy dick. that type of lifestyle is for the small minds of the world. if you are going to walk around you might as well be the BSD.

other things going on today.

completed day 9 today of my work out. thanks to richie rich, e diddy, the magic man, and others for the motivation to keep on going. i really wanted to be a big fucking pussy and quit today but i found a way to keep on going. my arms are so swalled right now. i'm going to get like my friends in college and not be able to wash my back cause i'm so big.

books i'm reading right now.
MBA in a box and
a foreign policy of freedom by ron paul

i'm trying to political and get more involved in the world. who wants to be mediocre. i want to be a bsd.

treat people like cows. i heard this on a zig zigler tape. it was pretty profound. cows give shitty milk when you treat them like shit. if a cow is sad the milk won't come out good. it might not even be usable. so if you treat the cow good then you get good milk. you get the maximum production from a cow and likewise with people. people will work for assholes but love working for people who treat them like cows.

i want that good milk. GOOD ASS TITTY MILK!

anyways... till next time. peace easy. work out. GET BIG!

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