Wednesday, July 29, 2009

be the BSD

BSD... what is it? what is BSD attitude. BSD is being the BIG SWINGING DICK. whenever you walk into a room you have to have BSD attitude. you gotta think I got the biggest dick in the room and i'm not afraid to smack you with it.

why walk around with an iddy biddy dick. that type of lifestyle is for the small minds of the world. if you are going to walk around you might as well be the BSD.

other things going on today.

completed day 9 today of my work out. thanks to richie rich, e diddy, the magic man, and others for the motivation to keep on going. i really wanted to be a big fucking pussy and quit today but i found a way to keep on going. my arms are so swalled right now. i'm going to get like my friends in college and not be able to wash my back cause i'm so big.

books i'm reading right now.
MBA in a box and
a foreign policy of freedom by ron paul

i'm trying to political and get more involved in the world. who wants to be mediocre. i want to be a bsd.

treat people like cows. i heard this on a zig zigler tape. it was pretty profound. cows give shitty milk when you treat them like shit. if a cow is sad the milk won't come out good. it might not even be usable. so if you treat the cow good then you get good milk. you get the maximum production from a cow and likewise with people. people will work for assholes but love working for people who treat them like cows.

i want that good milk. GOOD ASS TITTY MILK!

anyways... till next time. peace easy. work out. GET BIG!

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

worked out again

on day 8 of this work out session. have to get huge. the goal is 90 days of working out. 90 days to a life transformation.

Monday, July 27, 2009

muscles and money

i worked out again today.

got a call from e diddy today and we had a conversation about life. we concluded that the key to life is muscles and money.

why you need muscles. muscles make you feel strong. they make you feel good. they make you feel like you can beat the shit out of other people. muscles intimidate other people and make them think you are the boss. so get the muscles. ladies love muscles even if they say they don't. they are so full of shit. here is why the ladies love the muscles. ladies deep down inside have an instinct to be protected. they love security and if you have muscles you can beat the shit out of other people and provide them the security they are looking for. by having to raise children for 9 months and then raise the children women want to be in an environment of protection.

so why money? money is another form of security. they want the money cause it can buy them the good things in life and buy them protection. if a guy has lots of money he can buy you lots of security. so money and muscles gives you double protection. money and muscles give you DOUBLE SECURITY. that's why bitches love it. that's why bitches love money and muscles!!!

rules of life.

1. get muscles
2. get money
3. repeat and review items 1 and 2


Sunday, July 26, 2009

talking to fobs

so i saw this fob and i asked him how he was doing. he said "i'm doing bravo". WTF??? i'm doing bravo. that shit is so funny. i'm going to start saying that.

btw, this fob called quesadilla, que sa dilla. what a FOB!

Friday, July 24, 2009

common things i hate

when people say if you took all this paper or so and so item and put them next to each other it would go around x amount of times.

new line. if you took all the pages in the book and wiped your ass with it you could wipe your ass with it for 45 years!

things to do? read books. have fun. enjoy my life. smoke it up. eat well. family friends and working out.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

running the show

another day of running outside. it was pretty good. i'm getting into shape and it is awesome. i am going to get so ripped and jacked. did about 30 minutes of yoga afterwards but then i quit. i really am a pussy sometimes.

creating the life you want to live.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

poor mans porsche

so one of my friends got a porsche boxter. i told some other people and they laughed. they said that was a poor mans porsche. it got me thinking, is it shitty to drive a porsche because it isn't a 911?

i think that is complete bullshit. i mean a porsche is a porsche. i don't care if it is older or if it cost less than a caymen or a carrera. the main reason any guy would get a porsche is A) because he is going to use it as a tool to get pussy or B) he feels old and wants to feel young again. i respect a guy who just goes out there and buys a nice car and gets it while it is young. who wants to be that old ass faggot in a porsche trying to attract chicks. i just feel sorry for this guy. i love it when i see a young guy rolling around in a sports car. it tells chicks, i got a big dig and i'm not afraid to show you. so what if it might be for overcompensation. i still like it.

started listening to these self help tapes. i am a freaking self help junky. i can't get enough of this shit. i have been listening to tony robbins and brian tracy recently. this tape i have been listening to is called the science of self confidence. the first cd was all about goal setting so i am going to set some goals.

1. get laid off with an awesome sweet layoff package and start my own business which is starting a farm in my parents backyard.

2. make mad money growing vegtables and cross use the vegtables in a restaurant. start the movement of fresh local foods and farm restaurants where farms are co-oped with restaurants to bring customers the freshest foods that taste the best.

3. do some traveling. go to china. see the great wall and the imperial city. travel around china. go to guanzou, the replica watch capital of the world. start a replica watch business and make mad money selling replica watches to people in the us.

4. get seeds to specialized plants and grow special plants with the best quality flavor foods. get the seeds in montreal.

5. live a fabled life and have lots of friends. enjoy my life and work hard and play harder.

so also you have to set goals and priorities as to what is the most imporant things to your life.

1. my body. getting phsyically fit and getting in the best shape of my life. this is goal one. health is good too. eat well. get strong. eat healthy.
2. family. building strong relationships with my family. this is important and more important than my friends.
3. friends. build a strong network of friends. you can have all the money in the world but if you got no friends did you really live life? life fucking sucks if you got it all but your hommies got none. relationships and friends is where it is at.
4. money and work. why work for the man and kill yourself. fuck dat shit. fuck da man. that shit is not worth killing yourself for. do what you got to do but be focused when you are at your job. don't go in a fuck around. fuck around on your own time. the reason those guys pay you is to get the job done and do a great fucking job. really give my job 8 hours a day. give them good energy. give them great energy.

well that is what i on my mind. WORD! later son.

Monday, July 20, 2009

whats going on

things that i am doing in my life. i am working out. i have to work out every day cause the ladies love it. it is so hawt to get ripped and chiseled. chicks dig it.

i never understood why ladies dig a nice body. i get it now. if you got a nice body she feels safe around you because she thinks you can beat the shit out of other people. it makes her feel safe. it brings us back to the days when we were barbarians and hunters and chicks like the alpha males. they didn't like pussy males because those guys couldn't provide. and even if the pussy guys could provide the alpha males would beat the shit out of them and take their women.

pretty much guys are naturally stronger than girls. they can beat the shit out of them physically. i'm not an advocate of it but i'm just saying. chicks dig those muscles and the thrill of having someone else dominating them. so anyways... i'm working out and getting stronger.

i was talking to some people yesterday that brought up a great debate question.

would you rather be wealthy or be physically fit?

MUSCLES!!! that was my answer. i used to not think like that. i used to think that getting money would get the chicks but here is the thing about money. money is just a tool. like attracting girls with money is only doable when she knows you have a lot of money. once again it comes down to the protection and the safety the girl feels from having a man with lots of money. it comes down to this... she knows that if she sucks that dick she is all good for the rest of her life.

how easy is it to be a chick. all you got to do is spread your legs and suck some dick and you never have to work another day in your life. is it really that hard. work out, exercise, stay at home... do some shopping. look sexy. that's all you ladies got to fucking do. it ain't rocket fucking science. the only reason guys do shit is to get girls. i always say if i could fuck chicks and live in a cardboard box, why bother fucking do anything! right?

anyways... that is my post for now. i might put some pictures up to show my transformation process from zero to hero. i'll keep you blog readers poster. later NIGS!!!

Wednesday, July 1, 2009


you ever sit around and smoke massive amounts drugs and listen to music. you wonder what is going on in your world.

i like reading books, gardening, and listening to elton john. i think i might be a homo. its kinda scary.

you ever wonder what you were meant to do in life? like do you have a dream. something big you want to do. something you want to achieve.

after MJ died i was pretty sad. i loved that guy. i don't care how fucked up he was. he was an artist. a true person. it didn't matter how much money he had. he lived. it was freaking awesome

i watched tv and americas got talent. i didn't see much talent. i was not impressed.

i watched some wedding show and i thought love it a beautiful thing. when two people go out and stand each other for 10 years and then get married you have to think something special is going on. would i ever want to get married? a resounding hells no. why would i ever want to do something like that.

things i'm working on. my gardening. i got this thing called can-o-worms and i'm going to grow a worm farm... i'll finish this later