Friday, September 28, 2007

how do you get bigger?

listening to stories of an ambassador. how do you get big. like big time. like political huge. thats what i'm thinking about. i have this inner lust for power that just grows inside of me. its twisted. its messed up. but i love it like i love this delicious bao in my mouth. so tasty.

i have visions of becoming this super leader. the problem with the picture in my dreams is that when i am powerful, i am in rags instead of a fine two piece suit and tie. i'm leading this revolution of people but i'm broke. i'm on this sandy mountain with this ragged pair of shorts as if i've been living on a secluded island in the story of robinson crusoe. it kinda sucks. i'm so powerful but broke. i got my fist up in the air an army of followers. strange. could these dreams of a future be true. probably not.

so i also had this vision of the world ending. the end of days. there are these two massive armies going after each other in this tower for the end of days. a global battle. strange.

anyways. todays a good day. passed some test and now i get to keep a job. good times.

just learning and trying to be myself. saying whatever i think. still living anonymously though. you'll never figure that part out.


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