Friday, August 14, 2009

My new blogging website

I have a hidden underground blogging website. It is too intense and honest so not everyone can know about it.

Other than that I should probably keep on posting here. Actually I think I'm going to stop for a while and just post on the raw and honest blog. Sorry to disappoint my fans.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Friends with girls

As a male species I think about being friends with girls. I know two things about it.

1. It can't happen.
2. Look back at rule number one.

Why can't you be friends with girls. You can't be friends with girls unless you are gay. Unless you have no penis. Unless you are a homo. It is that simple.

When I am with a girl I just think about caressing their super soft skin. Smelling their hair or natural flowery body odor. Make sweet whoopie pies with her with Xtra cream. Is that so much to ask for?

I don't really like being friends with girls. I just like to stare at them. To admire them in all their sexiness. I don't really want to hear about how her day was or what book she read. These things bore me. I just want to see her naked and I want her to take a ride with daddy.

Things that a girl can do that is super hot. Make me a sandwich. Make me something to eat. Get down on it. Work out and get her fitness on and get super sexy.

The point of the post... I'm just not that interested in being friends with a girl. It's just not for me.

an interesting turn of events... High Thinking

I am on this moral and financial journey and I think the next step in the evolution process is called "high" thinking. It is this thinking that everything is going to be alright and everything will work itself out.

I keep on thinking I am high as fuck or high as shit. You can be high all the time. Just living high. Living the high life. That's how I want to live out the rest of my days on this little slice I call life.

Things to do when high.

Spend time with friends
Make faces
Stare at the wall
Stretch and do yoga - a personal favorite

Favorite yoga pose while high
Superman flying pose

So to all just think high. Be high... all the time.

I've read somewhere that you have to think high to rise so think high and be high all the time.