Wednesday, June 10, 2009

the fight against the police

so i went to brookline court for the first time in my life. i had gotten a parking ticket for parking there overnight. if you ever park in brookline go in knowing that they have some of the most screwed up parking laws ever. you can't ever park your car there from the hours of 2 am to 6 am any day of the week. if you want to park there between those hours you have to get a permit from the police. a police tagged up my car at 2:30 am in the morning and then came back at 4:45 am just to make sure the ticket was valid. FUCKER!!!

anyways. they never put the ticket on my car so i went into the court for the brookline parking ticket experience. it was a good experince in game theory. i could either lie and say i only parked there for one hour or two i could tell the truth and say that i never got the ticket. i choose to lie to the police officer.

things i learned. never lie to the police unless you have to. these guys are master lie detectors. they can smell bullshit as if it was cologne. i was highly impressed by the old mans ability to know i was lying. i actually respect him for calling me out on my heaping lumps of bs.

end of story is i spent an hour and paid the $45 ticket and went home feeling like poo because not only had i lied to another human being but i had to pay the $45 ticket.

which goes to thinking. when is it okay to lie? i think i would have felt great if i got away with the ticket if i had been able to pull of the lie.

resources if you want to know more about brookline ma parking.

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